Meet our Family

Jason & Shayne Solano


My name is Jason Solano, I am the owner/operator of RestingRainbow Sarasota along with my wife Shayne. After owning and training dogs forthe last 28 years, there always came a very difficult time when we had to makethat hard decision to let our beloved pet go. Every time we found ourselves in thatdifficult situation, we felt like we did not have any type of closure with ourfurry family member. This is the main reason I decided to join the RestingRainbow Franchise family and open two locations in Sarasota and Manateecounties. Shayne and I can now help families with that difficult decision ofletting go of your pet by giving that closure and dignity that your beloved petdeserves.

Me and my family

I am a Marine veteran that served 8 years in the MarineCorps. I have a bachelor's degree in education and a business MBA. I have beenin Pharmaceutical Management and Trade for the last 20 years. My wife Shaynehas her bachelor’s degree in business and has spent the last 25 years invarious roles int he pharmaceutical industry. We have a 10-year-old daughter named Olivia. Olivia’s mainloves in life are riding horses and her dog Bolt. Bolt is our 5-year-oldAmerican Bulldog who is all white with a black nose-just like the movie. Welook forward to serving Southwest Florida.

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